Rolf Vom Dorp
A native of California, Rolf grew up on an avocado ranch in La Habra, California, which was once the center of the Hass avocado industry. Eventually Rolf earned several degrees from Brown University and the University of Stockholm. These included political science, sinology, economics and econometrics.

After a business career, Rolf found his interest in community organizing. He started as a union organizer. After this, Rolf started focusing on grassroots organizing. He specialized in climate issues following the thoughts of Marshall Ganz and Saul Alinsky. For the last 13 years, he worked as an unpaid volunteer in Nevada, San Diego county, and Northern Arizona. He increasingly focused on informing and engaging the community around climate change. Rolf was a co-founder and first President of the San Diego North County Climate Change Alliance. Later he founded the Northern Arizona Climate Change Alliance (NAZCCA).
Rolf currently works with FridaysforFuture: Great Thunberg's organization. He and his Scandinavian wife, Marja, reside in Lund, Sweden. He also sits on the board of directors of NAZCCA.